Asthma Bootcamps
21 Day Asthma Bootcamp pilot edition
now open

"The Law of 80/20 - If There Are TEN Things That Contribute To Your Asthma Symptoms, Just TWO Produce 80% of the Symptoms. Dealing With Non-Key Items Will Result in 80% of Your Asthma Symptoms Remaining in Your Life Forever. Wrong Strategy Means Being On Asthma Drugs Forever."
James J Hooper
Author "How To Grow Out of Asthma As
Quickly As Humanly Possible"
This Bootcamp will guide you, simply and clearly, over just 21 days to change the BIGGEST factor in the creation of asthma symptoms.
There is ONE thing that EVERY person with asthma does. And when you notice it, and stop doing it - your asthma symptoms subside. This ONE process has been used in hundreds of medical studies to INDUCE asthma symptoms. Now you can learn about it, and then learn the drills to avoid it.
This fully guaranteed Bootcamp shows you how in a simple process. This same process has been proven to reduce asthma symptoms in severe asthmatics by an average of 90%. If it can do that - there is a good probability it can assist your exercise induced asthma symptoms.
Watch 7 Short Videos, Then Just Do The Drills. Each will have simple explanations to teach you this new way of thinking about asthma, and easy drills that will give you a simple path to apply it for yourself. You will also have access to our Forum to share, learn and ask questions. This is way more than you need!
Within 21 Days (or much sooner) You Will:
- Change everything you thought you knew about asthma, and be happy about it.
- Learn simple drills to use at any time to reduce your asthma symptoms. And then avoid them.
- Learn the simple way to measure your breathing so you can clearly see your progress
- Experience a decrease in symptoms as your breathing measurement shows changes
- Learn how to INCREASE your FREE Oxygen in your tissues and muscles for improved performance
- Unblock your nose at any time, so you can breathe nasally. With practice you will test whether your sports performance is better with 100% nasal breathing
- You will learn a simple way to progress your training so that you maintain control of your breathing. Start easy and build up intensity with practice.
- You may notice improvements in other areas of your life. Snoring may reduce, and your sleep quality may improve dramatically. You may also find improvements in your digestion, particularly if you have GERD or reflux symptoms.
- Post Nasal Drip (mucus running down the back of your throat causing you to "hrrm hrrm" clear your throat) will disappear in the first couple of days.
- You will learn breathing drills to complete BEFORE exercise to help avoid the appearance of your asthma symptoms.
- You will discover the method that clinical researchers have used for decades to GIVE people exercise-induced asthma symptoms. (Seriously! You are going to learn to "do the opposite" of that.)
- Asthma will make a lot more sense after this basic bootcamp. If you wish, you can then join our new and more advanced bootcamps. You can learn to use "in-exercise" breathing drills to simulate high altitude training and also hypercapnic exposure to increase you ability to perform at high levels.
- You will understand the role of posture in your training and how to use it for improved results.
- There will be a small amount about supplements - but you do NOT need them to inactivate your asthma symptoms.
- You will learn just a little of the background of the clinical trials that used versions of this bootcamp to reduce asthma symptoms in severe asthmatics by an average of 90%.
- Each daily lesson will be less than 23 minutes - you will be amazed. This is a "BASIC" level, which means it is simplified so that even children can understand.
- The breathing drills often produce an increased feeling of calmness and reduced anxiety. The breathing patterns that cause panic and anxiety are almost identical to those in exercise induced asthma.
- Lots more benefits. The main being that you will have understood the pattern that created your asthma symptoms, and then disrupted it. And because it makes simple sense, you will have the training available for the rest of your life if your symptoms re-appear.
What is the Cost of this Basic Exercise Induced Asthma Bootcamp?
This is a new program. This is not offered anywhere else. The full fee for 1-1 personal training in this method given to severe asthmatics and people with emphysema is $US3,995. This is not that program.
This Program is $US21, reduced from $197 for this PRE-LAUNCH.
Why? Because this is the "pilot" version. It is the simplest draft that is able to give you results. The videos are not beautiful, just educational.
(That is an 89.3% reduction in price, which is close to the average reduction in asthma symptoms in severe asthmatics in clinical trials.)
This program is for low to moderate asthma symptoms. If you are a severe asthmatic - please contact me before signing up for this Bootcamp.
If your asthma reliever works effectively to reduce your symptoms - then this training is very worthwhile for you.
My mission with this Bootcamp is to begin the removal of one of the strangest "cons" in human history. The "con" comes from the FACT that every single person with asthma also OVER-BREATHES. To reduce the asthma symptoms, you learn to safely reduce your (hidden) over-breathing. It works.
But this Bootcamp is about RESULTS. Your amazing results will radically change the way that asthma is organized. Your RESULTS will give the world a clear and simple confirmation that the "con" is about to fall down.
My mission is to have asthma disappear as a chronic illness...
And this basic program for the simplest, easiest asthma symptoms is just the beginning. Once you experience the transformation, which will surprise you - you will become an advocate. You will tell your doctors (because you will be needing to reduce your asthma medications). You will tell your family, your friends.
If you are a Personal Trainer - your business will be changed forever (PT Certification Program coming soon). Because this Bootcamp moves getting asthma symptom relief away from medical over into simple instructions from an educated personal trainer. It works even if you do not believe that it will.
Now people do the Bootcamp, get RESULTS then give honest feedback. The presentations are new, and they are not perfect. Feedback will improve the experience for future athletes - so you will be rewarded for helping in this launch phase.
Normal price for this Online Bootcamp will be $US197 in the next phase. In this Pilot Phase in return for feedback and testimonials (only after you get results) - you get an 89.3% reduction. PLUS an extravagant money back guarantee. For Pilot Bootcamp only, your cost is $US21.
Click The Link Below To Get Access
- This is an education and training program, NOT medical treatment.
- As you uncover this model of exercise asthma - you will test it with simple breathing drills. As a result of the drills, you will find your asthma symptoms reduced. (Based on Published Clinical Evidence of Buteyko Method over last 50 years).
- Regardless of changes with your exercise induced asthma - if you are not happy for any reason with the training - you get a full refund. Immediately.
What is Involved with this Bootcamp?
- Simple, short video modules will give a brief and basic explanation of the theory so that it makes sense.
- You will learn about nasal breathing, its importance, and how to quickly unblock your nose if it becomes blocked.
- You will be advised to NOT alter your medications with medical advise. Seriously - be safe.
- You will learn how to measure your breathing and use it as a guide to your progress. You may see your symptoms go down as your breathing score goes up.
- You will learn the essential "recovery breathing" drill, which is the most useful tool to improve your health and vitality in existence.
- You will ease your way from very mild intensity training using your new breathing knowledge up to moderate intensity training.
- You will develop a routine to use before your training or performance, and one to use after it.
- And you find lots of other powerful insights to breathing and performance that will make this the best Bootcamp ever.
- You will receive a copy of the simple form that will guide you through your short day exercises and symptom reduction process.
This Online Exercise Bootcamp Guarantees You Will Be Ecstatic With Reductions In Your Asthma Symptoms Within 21 Days
- Or Your Money Back.
Note: You are specifically advised NOT to alter your medication without seeing your doctor, You keep your medication handy at all times.
These drills appear very simple, and versions of them can be learned by children from the age of 4.
And the Emphysema Bootcamp will be ready after this launch is completed.
The content of this Asthma Bootcamp is derived from the trainings that have helped severe asthmatics reduce their symptoms and need for medication by an average of 90% in repeated clinical published medical trials. As an athlete - you are able to progress quickly - and should expect to feel benefits within 12 days. (Even though the Bootcamp runs for 3 weeks.)
The Guarantee? If you are not ecstatic with your improved condition after 1 week - ask and receive a full refund, no fuss. The only condition is that you give it a good try. You do not have to do anything perfectly - if you get it vaguely right - you will experience the difference quickly.
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