About Us

Asthma Bootcamps is the simplest version of a breathing training that has been proven to reduce asthma symptoms in the West since 1994, and in Russia for 40 years before that.

James Hooper has taken the core elements of the Buteyko Method and combined it with simple processes to allow mild to moderate asthmatics to test the theory safely and at low cost.

If you are someone who has discovered the huge gaps in the current models of asthma – that are only capable of ensuring you have asthma symptoms and medications for the rest of your life – then Asthma Bootcamp is for you.


If you are not ecstatic with your improved condition after 21 days – ask and receive a full refund, no fuss.  The only condition is that you give it a good try.  You do not have to do anything perfectly – if you get it vaguely right – you will experience the difference quickly.  

Not Treatment

This training is not a medical treatment. It is a mild and safe breathing training that in some ways is similar to yoga. More accurately it is a series of rules to follow, and drills to test. Do not alter any prescribed medication without seeing your doctors.