14 Different Dis-Eases That Come With Active Asthma, and How to Avoid Them…

There are too many things, to understand. The explosion of “knowledge” in the last 20 years has created a trap for us. When something goes wrong with our health – we hit Google. And we become lost in the detail, that is usually irrelevant or wrong (for us).

In the past weeks I have been posting about asthma. And why you should spit out the BS you have been fed that “managing your active asthma” is your best and only good outcome.
That claim is only true when compared only to NOT managing your asthma, and misusing your medications which MULTIPLIES your probability of death from asthma.

In a moment I will share another option for “management”, but let’s just look in summary at what active asthma does to you:
In a moment I will share another option for “management”, but let’s just look in summary at what active asthma does to you:  

1. Increased general inflammation (allergy and other). 2. 1700% increased chance of emphysema, increases in other COPD and chronic bronchitis to about 10x
3. Decreased fertility – conception reduced
4. Poor sleep quality – and depression
5. Increased infection rate incl: Streptococcus, Pertussis, Mumps, Herpes Zoster (shingles), Pneumococcus and lots more
6. Digestion problems because the same cells that produce mucus in our lungs are in our stomach and small intestine – leading to poor digestion and gut leakage plus fibrosis.
7. Children with asthma get way more speech disorders
8. Irritable Bowel – over and above #6 above
9. Active asthmatics are pushed towards obesity as an extra cost.
10. Death – active asthma means you are more likely to get cardiovascular disease- heart attacks and strokes.
11. Rheumatoid arthritis – SIGNIFICANTLY increased if you have active asthma.
12. Cancer – 44% increase in probability of lung cancer. Increases also in brain, kidney and urinary/bladder cancers.
13. Depression and anxiety.

I am preparing a Report that shows the clinical evidence of all these conditions – and how they are increased when you have active asthma.
From the introduction above – if you decided to research your asthma – you will find a ton of information that is of no real use except to make you more desperate for a better way to deal with it. Right? If you have asthma symptoms or are using your medications to manage them – even though you may feel ok – you do not want the increased probabilities of this list above.
But – if you keep going thru the tons of detail, some clues will emerge.
First – you will find clinical papers confirming that around 50% of children, simply “grow of out active asthma”. It “resolves” according to the doctors – but they avoid saying how exactly.
Then you will find there is a large group of people who get their first asthma symptoms when they are middle aged. How does that happen? What did they change to bring it on? Obviously not on purpose – but something changed.
I know what that something that changed is. Because after 30 years of asthma I found that by changing my breathing I could both create asthma symptoms, and then make them “resolve”.
And with that as a clue – I then found the details hidden on the internet that proved it.
Did you know that for the past 50 years, researchers have been creating “asthma-like” symptoms in their test subjects so they could test both drugs and reasons why people got the symptoms?

If you want to bring on an asthma attack on purpose – science has known how to do this for half a century.

In the 30 years I had asthma – NOT ONE DOCTOR ever said – “James just do the opposite of what creates asthma symptoms in research trials.”
For those of you who have active asthma – that is your first step.  Stop the asthma symptoms, so you no longer need the meds that smother/hide the symptoms and damage.
You read above that when you have active asthma you ALSO are damaging your body and increasing you bet on getting a huge range of nasty conditions. The asthma symptoms are not the entire problem. But let’s start with them.
As the symptoms decrease, so does the ongoing damage to the rest of your body.
If you look up the breast cancer post on this page – you will see that edema (swelling) was decreased in these Russian women with aggressive cancers. You will also see that their survival rate was massively improved at 3 years. There women did not have asthma. But they did have the same breathing pattern that allows asthma symptoms to exist.
And when that pattern was changed with their breathing exercises, their health and chances of survival were greatly improved.
I want to invite you to attend my Workshop. I will release the details shortly.
Over the years I have attended a lot of trainings. I have paid over $10,000 for some business trainings, and over $5,000 for 4 day courses. None of those courses can offer as profound a transformation as you effectively changing your breathing back towards normality.
Please share this post – let your friends also realize that allowing active asthma to remain in your life is guaranteeing greater probabilities of tons of future dis-ease.
Ps – did I mention that the breathing that allows active asthma to exist is also one of the fastest ways to make your body age faster? How is that for a BONUS gift from asthma?

