Category Archives for "Active Asthma"

WANT to have no asthma symptoms?

Pathway to Asthma Cured

Here is the simple approach to unlocking the chains that hold you to asthma, forever.

You WANT to have no asthma and have lots of vitality that comes with that absence.


You NEED to know what approach is actually going to work.  You NEED to know the most predictably successful approach to getting what you WANT.

You don’t really WANT to learn any stuff about science, or research, or the precise steps NEEDED to unlock your asthma chains.  You just WANT the asthma to be gone.  For your misery, fear and lack of joy to be gone.

Sorry – but this is like having clean teeth and fresh breath.  You WANT great oral hygiene, but you NEED to know about toothbrushes.  And floss.  And you need to use them.

You want your asthma symptoms gone, you NEED to “get” that there is ONE main factor you NEED to alter.  This is the part right in the middle of your journey from asthma to no asthma.  There is a big wall with a door, and freedom from asthma symptoms is on the other side of the wall.

You just NEED to walk over to the door, look inside, see what is there – and your asthma will be changed forever.  It is not locked.  There are no guard dogs.  There is no need for a key once you know the doorway exists.

At this point in history, “medical science” says the “cause of asthma is not known”.  Just walk up to the door and look inside and medical science will show you the actual cause.

Get the “Asthma Bootcamp Precept” now.  Short, simple document that reveals the doorway.


Having “Active” Asthma Increases Your Chances of COPD/Emphysema By Over 1700%. (Yes 17 Times…)

This Slide is Wrong – Research Says 17X not 12X

“Managing” Your Asthma Is Therefore NOT OK…

You doctors have inferred to you that there is only ONE way to deal with asthma symptoms. And that way is to “manage” them using a mixture of chemicals and regular measuring using a peak flow meter. This is a better approach than NOT managing them. It is not the only way.

When drug companies first introduced “relief” drugs – it was followed by huge increases in the death rate from asthma. This is the real basis of the introduction of “preventer” medications – whose goal is to help you need LESS of of the reliever medications (you know why).

So “management” is taken to mean that you use your preventer medications regularly and at sufficient dose that you don’t need to use relief medications – but you still need to “keep it handy”.

But – research tells us that if you have ACTIVE ASTHMA (which we will define in a moment) – you have 1700% greater chances of getting COPD or emphysema. I don’t know about you – but my doctor never, ever, even slightly hinted to me that active asthma would have this effect on my future.

What is “Active Asthma”??

This medical research on the strong link between asthma and COPD – defines “Active Asthma” – if they reported that at least one of the following occurred during the past 12 months:

  • talked to a doctor or other health professional about [his/her] asthma,
  • took asthma medication,
  • or experienced any symptoms of asthma.

If they did not have “active asthma”, in this study they were classified as having “inactive asthma”. (Not asymptomatic asthma, or symptom-free asthma that you or I would have used?)

So – with the definition where if you have symptoms or are taking asthma medications or even talk to your doctor about asthma – you are in the group that is 17 times more likely to get emphysema or COPD. As well as that you are 10 times more likely to get CHRONIC BRONCHITIS. (Which is not that nice either…)

The only rational choice is to “grow out of asthma” – so that you do not have symptoms, do not have to talk to your doctor about it, and you are taking no medications… This is what I did.

My book is called How To Grow Out of Asthma As Quickly As Humanly Possible – Proven Simple Steps to Growing Out of Asthma Using the Buteyko Method. It is the basis for Asthma Bootcamps Programs. Click Here to buy on Amazon.

Click HERE for information on the Online Asthma Bootcamp that makes it easy to learn the method proven to reduce asthma asthma symptoms and relief medication by an average of 90% in clinical trials.

Misinformed Doctor – Gets Buteyko Method Basics -Completely, Utterly, Wrong

Came across this article in an Australian Doctors Magazine called My Doctor.

Drivel In a “Doctors” Magazine

If a doctor wrote the article then he or she is one to be avoided. If you were a doctor writing about a breathing exercise that is proven to reduce asthma symptoms SIGNIFICANTLY – surely that would interest you enough to find out what the training actually involved?

This doctor has found some silly BS breathing drill that is not vaguely like the Buteyko Method. Not even close. As for no evidence of improving lung function measurements – perhaps they should look a little harder at the Russian research going back 60 years.

I guess it is fine as it is mostly the big pharma companies that advertise in that paper. And asthma and copd market size will crack $30B pretty soon. And a breathing method that reduces drug need by 90% is not really something that will help them sell advertising?

It Took Doctors Over 100 Years to Accept That Washing Their Hands Was a Good Thing – How Long For Breathing Methods and Asthma?

Review of a NON-DRUG, safe, breathing training that reduces (consistently and predictably) asthma symptoms

This ​review ​shows exactly the major current problem with the medical system. Many doctors are reading opinion from websites that tell them what they want to hear rather than read the​ ​actual research.

Readers please refer to the British Thoracic Society Asthma Treatment Guidelines or the 50 odd published research papers (Lancet, Australian Medical Journal, Thorax, etc). ​

Here are just a few.

​…/btssign-asthma-guidelin…/ “Buteyko breathing technique may be considered to help patients to control the
symptoms of asthma.” “improve symptoms and reduce bronchodilator use”…/artic…/pii/S0954611107005112 ” Six months after completion of the interventions, a large majority of subjects in each group displayed control of their asthma with the additional benefit of reduction in inhaled corticosteroid use in the Buteyko group “…/abs/10.3109/02770900009090810……/PIIS0140-6736(05)61343…/fulltext ​”​The controversial Buteyko breathing technique (BBT) reduces asthmatic patients’ reliance on β-agonists and inhaled steroids but does not alter lung function, concludes a randomised blinded controlled trial on BBT​” ie less drugs needed. “Those practising BBT reduced hyperventilation and their use of beta 2-agonists. A trend toward reduced inhaled steroid use and better quality of life was observed in these patients without objective changes in measures of airway calibre. ” At 3 months, 90% decrease in beta agonists (relief med) and 49% decrease in inhaled steroids..…/8894343_Buteyko_Breathing_Te ​”The BBT group exhibited a reduction in inhaled steroid use of 50% and beta2-agonist use of 85% at six months from baseline.”

The behavior of this reviewer is exactly the reason to take responsibility for your own health decisions. Rather than focus on “90% decrease in symptoms and relief drugs” – the medical focus is your peak flow not changing significantly (yet).

We are talking about some breathing practices proven to reduce asthma symptoms by 90%. Not a drug. ​Not a drug. Did I mention not a drug? ​If you have no asthma symptoms – ​is that better for you?​ Would you prefer the symptoms?

Doctors tell people to take up swimming to help their asthma. This is proven to work better and does not expose you to chlorine. (Taking up swimming can WORSEN your asthma symptoms.)

As for “pseudoscience” – almost every major breakthrough in medical history was called this at the time. Thank you for the endorsement.​

The image in this post relates to how long it took for the then medical profession to decide to adopt the pseudoscience to “wash their hands” before delivering babies when thousands of women were dying from Puerperal fever. “Doctors were upset because it looked like they were giving the fever to the women!”…/the-doctor-who-championed-hand-washin…

Changing away from dysfunctional breathing alters your asthma symptoms.

Think about it.

14 Different Dis-Eases That Come With Active Asthma, and How to Avoid Them…

There are too many things, to understand. The explosion of “knowledge” in the last 20 years has created a trap for us. When something goes wrong with our health – we hit Google. And we become lost in the detail, that is usually irrelevant or wrong (for us).

In the past weeks I have been posting about asthma. And why you should spit out the BS you have been fed that “managing your active asthma” is your best and only good outcome.
That claim is only true when compared only to NOT managing your asthma, and misusing your medications which MULTIPLIES your probability of death from asthma.

In a moment I will share another option for “management”, but let’s just look in summary at what active asthma does to you:
In a moment I will share another option for “management”, but let’s just look in summary at what active asthma does to you:  

1. Increased general inflammation (allergy and other). 2. 1700% increased chance of emphysema, increases in other COPD and chronic bronchitis to about 10x
3. Decreased fertility – conception reduced
4. Poor sleep quality – and depression
5. Increased infection rate incl: Streptococcus, Pertussis, Mumps, Herpes Zoster (shingles), Pneumococcus and lots more
6. Digestion problems because the same cells that produce mucus in our lungs are in our stomach and small intestine – leading to poor digestion and gut leakage plus fibrosis.
7. Children with asthma get way more speech disorders
8. Irritable Bowel – over and above #6 above
9. Active asthmatics are pushed towards obesity as an extra cost.
10. Death – active asthma means you are more likely to get cardiovascular disease- heart attacks and strokes.
11. Rheumatoid arthritis – SIGNIFICANTLY increased if you have active asthma.
12. Cancer – 44% increase in probability of lung cancer. Increases also in brain, kidney and urinary/bladder cancers.
13. Depression and anxiety.

I am preparing a Report that shows the clinical evidence of all these conditions – and how they are increased when you have active asthma.
From the introduction above – if you decided to research your asthma – you will find a ton of information that is of no real use except to make you more desperate for a better way to deal with it. Right? If you have asthma symptoms or are using your medications to manage them – even though you may feel ok – you do not want the increased probabilities of this list above.
But – if you keep going thru the tons of detail, some clues will emerge.
First – you will find clinical papers confirming that around 50% of children, simply “grow of out active asthma”. It “resolves” according to the doctors – but they avoid saying how exactly.
Then you will find there is a large group of people who get their first asthma symptoms when they are middle aged. How does that happen? What did they change to bring it on? Obviously not on purpose – but something changed.
I know what that something that changed is. Because after 30 years of asthma I found that by changing my breathing I could both create asthma symptoms, and then make them “resolve”.
And with that as a clue – I then found the details hidden on the internet that proved it.
Did you know that for the past 50 years, researchers have been creating “asthma-like” symptoms in their test subjects so they could test both drugs and reasons why people got the symptoms?

If you want to bring on an asthma attack on purpose – science has known how to do this for half a century.

In the 30 years I had asthma – NOT ONE DOCTOR ever said – “James just do the opposite of what creates asthma symptoms in research trials.”
For those of you who have active asthma – that is your first step.  Stop the asthma symptoms, so you no longer need the meds that smother/hide the symptoms and damage.
You read above that when you have active asthma you ALSO are damaging your body and increasing you bet on getting a huge range of nasty conditions. The asthma symptoms are not the entire problem. But let’s start with them.
As the symptoms decrease, so does the ongoing damage to the rest of your body.
If you look up the breast cancer post on this page – you will see that edema (swelling) was decreased in these Russian women with aggressive cancers. You will also see that their survival rate was massively improved at 3 years. There women did not have asthma. But they did have the same breathing pattern that allows asthma symptoms to exist.
And when that pattern was changed with their breathing exercises, their health and chances of survival were greatly improved.
I want to invite you to attend my Workshop. I will release the details shortly.
Over the years I have attended a lot of trainings. I have paid over $10,000 for some business trainings, and over $5,000 for 4 day courses. None of those courses can offer as profound a transformation as you effectively changing your breathing back towards normality.
Please share this post – let your friends also realize that allowing active asthma to remain in your life is guaranteeing greater probabilities of tons of future dis-ease.
Ps – did I mention that the breathing that allows active asthma to exist is also one of the fastest ways to make your body age faster? How is that for a BONUS gift from asthma?