Misinformed Doctor – Gets Buteyko Method Basics -Completely, Utterly, Wrong
Came across this article in an Australian Doctors Magazine called My Doctor.
If a doctor wrote the article then he or she is one to be avoided. If you were a doctor writing about a breathing exercise that is proven to reduce asthma symptoms SIGNIFICANTLY – surely that would interest you enough to find out what the training actually involved?
This doctor has found some silly BS breathing drill that is not vaguely like the Buteyko Method. Not even close. As for no evidence of improving lung function measurements – perhaps they should look a little harder at the Russian research going back 60 years.
I guess it is fine as it is mostly the big pharma companies that advertise in that paper. And asthma and copd market size will crack $30B pretty soon. And a breathing method that reduces drug need by 90% is not really something that will help them sell advertising?